
Croation Party Island Obonjan Loses Water and Electricity, Opening Postpones


A six week festival has been planned off the Coast of Croatia on an island called Obonjan, but it looks like it might not be going quite as planned.

It was scheduled to open July 28th but the island is currently without running water and electricity so the event organizers have been forced to email ticket holders an tell them to stay home until a resolution is found.

Facebook post by Obonjan also reads:

“Urgent message about customers heading to Obonjan in the next couple of days – the island is currently without running water and electricity, if you have not yet travelled we advise that you don’t. Please check your email for further details of next steps and how we can help you with your flights, accommodation and refunds if required.”

Guests have been asked to not leave until at least August 3rd, and testing won’t be done to get the party started won’t be done until August 5th, so it sounds like it will take a little bit to get things running again. I’ve heard of events being cancelled last minute but never for reasons like this. Luckily this event lasts 6 weeks so the wait until August 5th guests will be well worth it.

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