
Miami’s Club Space Sues Over Embarrassing Aerial Debt Shaming

This company is not involved in the lawsuit.

We’ve all been there in one way or another. You lend money to somebody and then it somehow becomes your responsibility to hound them constantly to pay you back. If you haven’t, then you’re probably the moocher. This doesn’t just happen among friends as Club Space in Miami recently found out. If you’ve been to Miami you’ve undoubtedly seen the awesome aerial signage from planes flying huge banners out over the ocean at the beach front. They advertise Miami nightclubs, Vegas club shows, and bill pay reminders?

The company who flies these planes is called Aerial Banners, and Club Space allegedly became delinquent on its banner bill. The company’s owner claims that Space was almost always 6 months to a year behind in paying their bills. The solution? Fly a banner  on April 1calling out Space for not paying its bills saying “CLUB SPACE — PLEASE PAY YOUR BANNER BILL!”.

Now Space is suing Aerial Banners for defamation as well as taking a banner which was Space’s property. Aerial Banners says that they had to get Space’s attention somehow after calls went ignored and they plan on flying more banners until a judge orders them to stop. This should be good.

Source: Miami New Times

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