
m.O.N.R.O.E. Releases ‘Seeing Things’ EP via Get Physical

m.O.N.R.O.E. Releases 'Seeing Things' EP via Get Physical

Miami producer and big-time artist to watch, m.O.N.R.O.E., is back with his new EP ‘Seeing Things’. This tech house set is sure to bring everybody out to the dance floor for hours of partying and good times.

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m.O.N.R.O.E. has a simple style that will grab your attention and keep fanatics entertained throughout their listen. His music creates a story that will hypnotize listeners and hold them hostage to an undeniably entrancing beat.

There are two sides to this impressive EP. The A side, ‘Seeing Things’, is filled with pounding drums and a vocal that will have you mesmerized the whole way through. The B Side ‘Violina’, will draw you in with incredible piano melodies and then keep you captivated with the heavy synthesizer beating throughout the track.

Stream the EP here.

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