
Disney Taunts deadmau5 With Its Own LED Mouse Head


Over the years we’ve chronicled the legal battles between deadmau5 and Disney, and just when we thought things would be left alone Disney went ahead and took things to another level. We’ve always laughed at Disney for attacking deadmau5, because frankly his logo and mau5head just didn’t have that much similarity with the iconic Mickey. One is dark and pulsating with LED lights and the other is a simplistic cartoon character. Well Disney recently commissioned a piece of “weird art” from Polish design firm PanGenerator that is basically the classic mau5head on steroids.

Seriously check this thing out, it’s got crazy LED lights that act as a music visualizer and the style of it is enough to make good ol’ Joel Zimmerman blush. It’s known as the MickeyPhon, and at this point there’s no telling what Disney plans to do with it but you can be sure Deadmau5 will be wondering along with us. Legal awkwardness aside, Disney should share this technology with deadmau5 so he can incorporate it into his own helmet and live shows. Perhaps it could be a token of good faith, but we’ll keep dreaming.

Source: Gizmodo

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