
The Creation Of A Daft Punk Helmet

If you need some extra inspiration for your festival outfit this season, look no further. Greg Santacruz from Missouri created his own Daft Punk-inspired helmet and luckily for us, photographer Tim Bottchen took some stunning photos along the way.

Do-it-yourself Daft Punk helmets have definitely been done before, as you can go to any cosplay convention or music festival and you’ll find at least one. That being said, no imitation has even come close to measuring up to the real thing. It’s easy to understand the desire to impersonate the French duo’s iconic look. The perfectly shiny helmets with very distinct LED lights and matching gloves have been an aesthetic marker for the pair for years.

Now, we finally have a closer look inside the making of one of these famous helmets. In a series of 24 amazing photographs, we can see that the process is anything but simple. Santacruz and Bottchen show us every intricate step in detail and the final product is mesmerizing. Check out just a few of the photos below:

Check out the REAL Daft Punk helmets in action below.

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