
Tomorrowland In Spain Is A Hoax


For the past 2 years, rumors have run rampant that Tomorrowland would expand to Brazil and then India. In 2015 we saw part of those rumors come true as the festival expanded to Brazil, and then fans waited for the other shoe to drop. Tomorrowland 2015 came and went without the big announcement people were expecting. That’s why it came as a complete shock today when Tomorrowland supposedly announced an expansion to Spain in 2016. As it turns out, the “announcement” was part of the Spanish version of our own April Fool’s Day.

The announcement was suspicious from the start because the date was given as July 25th, which is one day and right after Tomorrowland. It would seem curious that a huge festival in Belgium would need a satellite event right afterwards in basically the same region. Perhaps the biggest actual news to come out of this is that other countries celebrate “Fools Day” at different times. The technical term for the day is the Feast of the Holy Innocents, which is a festival in Spain and Latin American countries featuring pranks. Who knew?

For those of you who were really itching to attend Tomorrowland Spain, check out this year’s aftermovie for Belgium’s edition and see if that encourages you to plan your trip.

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