
Facebook To Bring Concert Ticketing To Its Platform

FB Concert Ticketing

As a result of its ‘events’ feature, Facebook has always played a large role in the world of concerts. It allows you to let all your friends which musical event you plan on attending. How about if you really want to go a show and don’t want to have to go directly to the ticket sale website? Well, Facebook will now be selling tickets on its platform through the event pages! Facebook will be implementing a “Buy Tickets” button so its consumers won’t have to leave the website to purchase tickets to the events. Tickets will be available at the Will Call windows at the shows and will not be available as electronic or paper tickets (at least for now).

Facebook will be partnering up with small groups of independent venues, promoters and artists in the Bay Area for the introduction of the idea. Ticket selling is the latest in Facebook’s rendition of the “direct-to-consumer” or, as they call it, “direct-on-Facebook” initiative. It may seem as Facebook is doing this to cut a piece of the profits, but they will actually take a cut in the ticket pricing and hand off all profits to the third parties involved with all the backend work that takes place away from Facebook.

Source: Buzzfeed

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