
Incident With Porn Star Leads To Massive Molly Ring Bust

The details pertaining to one of South Florida’s largest synthetic drug rings ever to exist is finally coming to light. Ending in a bizarre set of circumstances involving a naked porn star and a white Porsche, the two main culprits, Matthew Anich and Jorge Ramon Hernandez, were seemingly straight-edged individuals both with college degrees and military backgrounds while also having a shared interest in the Miami club scene.

It’s like a film that can only happen in Miami. It’s like a cross between Pain and Gain, Wild Things and Bachelor Party.

The typical Miami bros who love weight lifting and tons of tattoos, and even own a tattoo shop. That’s not even where they made most of their loot to pay for their fancy cars and beachfront properties. Their source was Chinese labs, such as Kai Kai Technology, where they used a host of people from different background they had met along the way to the top: “Sexual conquests wired money overseas and picked up shipments; strippers and at least one DJ peddled pills that brought in millions of dollars.”

The group consisted of over 10 people, including a DJ Chino, a resident DJ at the world renowned Club Space. There is speculation that the team imported hundreds of kilos of methylone and ethylone, the euphoric synthetic drugs that have lately been sold as the popular club and festival substance ‘Molly’ to South Florida music enthusiasts. The profits that are rumored to be made of the designer drugs have been heard to net as much as $30,000 to $40,000 a kilo.

It all came crashing down in Miami’s Shenandoah neighborhood thanks to Anich’s girlfriend, Blanca Cabrera Diaz, who is a porn star going by the name of Selena Rose. Witnesses say that saw Diaz kick and punch Diaz, then hop on top of the car naked. Ironically enough, Diaz has Anich’s name tattoed on her ankle. After being charged with domestic battery and possession of cocaine, she wasn’t done. She gave investigators everything they needed to slowly take down the massive drug ring.

Only originally being charged with on state drug-trafficking charges, the case has been slowly building it’s case with cooperation between state and federal officials and in January, Anich was arrested again. This time, it was by federal agents who convinced him to spill everything on a larger investigation.

As of right now, Anich has been the only individual in the large scheme to be sentenced. Four years and eight months is what Anich will be serving after his attorney sought leniency on the premise that his client had helped extensively over the last three years. He will be surrendering January 8th.

Source: The Kansas City Star

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