
[WATCH] Terrible DJ Goes Crazy In Front Of Confused Audience

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These days, everyone is trying to be a DJ. Celebrities like Joe Jonas, RJ Mitte and more are all hopping on the bandwagon in order to cash in on the massive industry. That being said, the small-time DJs have to find a way to separate themselves from the pack and this up-and-comer from the UK has given us a perfect example of how to do so.

During what looks like one of the smallest gigs of all time, the DJ decides to drop some super experimental techno while wearing a questionable outfit. Unfortunately, the rest of the crowd really isn’t feeling the beats as much as he is, leading to a pretty awkward performance. We’ve seen these types of videos in the past and with the electronic music phenomenon growing larger everyday, we imagine that these incidents will keep occurring. Check out the cringeworthy clip below.

H/T: BroBible

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