
OWOW Takes Production Equipment to Next Level

It’s not very often that you see a possible game changing invention in the world of music. The theremin, an early electronic musical instrument capable of making sounds through hand motions never really caught on probably due to electronic music’s lack of existence in the 1920s. While not a musical instrument, the Wii and Xbox Kinect have taken motion capturing tasks to the next level. Now, a company by the name of OWOW and it’s founder Pieter-Jan Pieters, are creating a new breed of musical instruments are in their finals stages of production.

The five devices that allow the user to create music in a more intuitive and innovative way by utilizing their separate strengths instead of lumping all the features into one. The Wob, Wiggle, Drum, Pads and Scan are the result and come in two convenient versions: the bare bones circuit board CRD edition or the DVC version which includes a 3D printed casing. OWOW loves 3D printing so much, they have included the file so you can customize your own.

Programmed for immediately use straight out of the box with all of the major digital audio workstations, these products certainly seem to be the wave of the future. But first, they need a little help with their Kickstarter.

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