
deadmau5 Discusses His Cats In Interesting New Interview


Ok, so there wasn’t an actual interview with the cat, but The Vancouver-based news and entertainment newspaper The Georgia Straight recently interviewed Canadian-native deadmau5 about his cats… for 30 minutes.

Deadmau5 has 2 feline companions who go by the names Meowingtons and Miss Nyancat. Meowingtons has established himself firmly as the favorite, boasting a resume of accomplishments longer than most of your favorite DJs. deadmau5 fans have grown accustomed to seeing the 4-legged creatures wondering around through webcasts and YouTube videos, but the casual mau5 listener might not realize how profoundly important Meowingtons and Miss Nyancat are to the lifeforce of North American electronic music. For instance… if it wasn’t for the cats, we might not have anymore lasers. According to deadmau5…

“People are over lasers. They understand them. The cats just can’t seem to grasp the concept that it’s a light source coming from a little pen. It’s always magical to them. So weird.”

Not only does Meowingtons have his own line of kitty headphones, and he appears on the cover of >Album Title Goes Here<, but he also owns his own Lamborghini. Despite his material successes, deadmau5 is careful not to stroke his ego.

“It was my album, to be fair. If it was someone else’s album I’d be impressed. There’s no real thing to the cat. He’s just a domestic shorthair cat. He doesn’t have a mustache and all that other shit. So he really doesn’t have a whole lot going for him in that department, which is why we can’t have some major cat-festival appearances.

It’s a Lamborghini, so he has his own little whip. We took out the steering wheel so he could fit in, and put down a little cat bed and stuck it in the office so he can bug my assistant all day. When he’s tired of doing that he just takes a little nap, and it’s pretty funny. I think a cat could live a full and awesome life on less than $20,000.”

So why does deadmau5 love cats so much? A guy worth a reported $53,000,000 could theoretically afford whatever domesticated companion he wanted, and yet, he chooses cats…

“They don’t have opinions. I don’t know what my cat is thinking or planning… I get to make up how he’s feeling, myself. They’re so enclosed and so withdrawn from the world that they think they’re the only fucking things in existence, which kind of gives them that air about them.”

Having generated a ridiculous amount of attention in the community over the last few years (282,000 google search results for ‘Meowingtons’), deadmau5 has begun exploring the idea of employing some local protection for himself and his furry friends.

“In Canada, if someone is on your property or breaking in, you can have a [firearms] possession-and-acquisition licence, but you can’t shoot anyone. You couldn’t even beat the crap out of them. But, as it turns out, if you post signs every 50 feet that say ‘Beware of Dog’ and you get a couple of trained fucking killers it’s fair game. I’m actually in the process of working with a guy who’s got a litter coming of interbred wolf/German shepherds. I’m sure the dogs will be cool and not rip my cats apart.”

We wish someone would have asked Joel if he’d rather live the life of Meowingtons or the life of deadmau5. In my master list of felines, I’m ranking Meowingtons and Miss Nyancat one notch above Garfield, and one step below Catwoman (played by Anne Hathaway).

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