
Your Cat Can Be The Life Of The Party With The ‘DJ Scratch Deck’

Cats have been ruling the internet for a while now. With their grace, self-actualization, and sleeping 15 hours a day, we have a lot to admire about our feline companions. But what gift do we give the cool cat that already has it all?

A DJ Scratch Deck via Amazon.com. From Amazon’s website:

The Cat DJ Scratching Deck comes flat packed and folds together into a simple structure with posable tone arm and a top that spins as your cat paws it – meaning you can sit back and giggle in a ‘look the cat is doing human things!’ way, rather than watch in horror as they shred your favourite sofa in to tiny pieces…

Let your master meow mixer spin tracks to his or her heart’s desire. He can create pawesome beats with this new addition to your house. The deck is reported to have full instructions and can easily be put together.

H/T: boingboing.net

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