
Electric Mantis – Infatuation

Electric Mantis

Electric Mantis – Infatuation

Electric Mantis is a rare breed of artist who can independently amass a large scale following with little to no promotional material or a label backing,  and he’s now gearing up for the release of an upcoming EP. Coming out of the rapidly growing dance music scene in Portland, Oregon, Electric Mantis’ unique approach to production makes every one of his releases a standalone work of art.

His latest release, ‘Infatuation‘, is a hip-hop heavy tune mixed with futuristic bass-head elements. The swinging percussions hit just hard enough to add impact to the soulful synth chords, all the while the vocal shouts chime in over the top. The tune will be available when the entirety of Electric Mantis’ EP is released – which is soon, thankfully. The streamable version below should be enough to keep your anxious ears at ease…for now.

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