
Uber Will Let Users DJ Their Ride

Uber Will Let Users DJ Their Ride

Few things are worse than being a captive audience to someone else’s bad music.  Or on a night out, no music at all.  By teaming up with Spotify, Uber will soon allow its users to play their own playlists through the speakers of their Ubers, undoubtedly enhancing the rideshare experience for many music lovers. Tech blog TechCrunch is reporting that through a partnership with Spotify, Uber customers will soon be able to customize their auditory experience via the Uber app.  The Uber app will connect to the car’s AUX audio connection and within the Uber app, riders will be able to see the title and artist of the song playing as well as control what they hear by skipping, rewinding and shuffling in a playlist.  Uber will be making an official announcement Monday morning so get through this weekend knowing that soon enough, you’ll be in control of the stereo.

via TechCrunch

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