
Taz0 Preforms an Amazing Launchpad Cover Using Nintendo Wii Controllers

A few months back, Nitro Fun released a chip-tune infused electro monster, ‘New Game’, off of Monstercat Records. Now that the dust has settled from the tune’s initial release, a cover of the track, done by a producer named Taz0, surfaces that is nothing like you have ever seen before. This is because Taz0 uses a Wii controller to kick off the cover. Having never seen such a controller used to control Ableton, it’s amazing to see how one can sync up such a process. Using a program called WiiToMidi, he was able to sync up the two devices via bluetooth to launch separate clips and thus play the track.

Not only is it a fascinating process to see, but the light patterns displayed on the launchpad are incredible. Series of yellow, orange, and green patterns fly across the grid as Taz0’s fingers keep time to the rhythmic glitches of an electro banger that borderlines on insanity. Check the video to see it all come together.

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