
Apple Features New Software Production App in Latest Music Creation Campaign

In the midst of pushing their on-going “Your Verse” campaign, Apple has recently shined the spotlight on eclectic Chinese music group, Yaoband to highlight the iPad’s unique ability to act as the centerpiece of the music production process. In the featured video, Yaoband is portrayed as a fearless and bold group that does not stray from the unordinary; throughout the clip, Yaoband’s founders Luke Wang and Peter Feng are seen doing everything from sampling, recording, and even performing live, all through the incredible ingenuity of the iPad. The clear takeaways are apparent; Apple is attempting to market their refined tablet as a portable, and accessible alternative to some of the more chunky production equipment. Apple also underscores a number of apps that Yaoband use such as: iMashcine, MIDI Designer Pro, and Logic Remote. Here is their process in a nutshell:

Once they have a solid beat, Peter and Luke Wang jam iPad to iPadfree-form sessions. Peter uses the Music Studio app to lay down the melody and try different instrumentations, which can in turn influence Luke Wang’s sound. With a tight demo in hand, they bring in the other band members to contribute their parts, balancing electronica with traditional rock guitar, bass, and drums. As the final touch, rapper, Mr. How, uses Notes to jot down lyrics.

As mobile devices and cloud platforms shape up to be the wave of the future, it does seem like unchartered territory as of now. However, as pioneer groups like Yaoband emerge and demonstrate the innovation of the Apple iPad, the reluctance of artists will ease off. The concept of mobile music production is surging, and as the app marketplace begins to fill up with music production aids, we can only be excited for the future. Be sure to check out Apple’s insight on Yaoband’s neat production process!

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