
The Chainsmokers Release #SELFIE Tour Recap Video

Chainsmokers #Selfie Tour Recap Video
Alex and Drew, the talented duo also known as The Chainsmokers are enjoying a small bit of rest, following the conclusion of their 2014 tour, aptly titled after their smash-banger-everyone-loves-or-hates hit #SELFIE.  The video is spread across a number of very iconic events and venues including: Mysteryland, Paradiso, at least one Life in Color, and NYC’s Webster Hall, and features a soundtrack of some of the more popular versions of “#Selfie” (including that Botnek remix that absolutely everyone is playing right now).  The tour video showcases exactly what they do best, as the unifying theme across all the venues is that their fans are bouncing around full throttle; a natural state of being at a Chainsmokers show.

It’s a bit humorous to see the guys poking fun at themselves throughout the video, owning some of their criticisms as they call themselves “Sell Outs” and allude to “making another banger.”  The guys know how to make great progressive music, and you wonder if this is the price one has to pay to get noticed.  4 minutes of your set devoted to a song you clearly don’t like?

Probably a trade many of us would take any day…

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