
Jose Gonzalez – Step Out (The Chainsmokers Remix)

The lovable NYC production duo The Chainsmokers are back from their tour in Australia and Asia, and have decided to bring back their indie progressive vibes to the world. Sticking to their roots, Alex and Drew turn the theme song from ‘The Secret Life Of Walter Mitty” into an anthemic record with “festival sized power. They focus on the emotional connection that the lyrics engender and successfully remind everyone of the sound that grabbed the loyal attention of their first fans. An American Idol debut and countless selfies later, The Chainsmokers are now able to use their international platform to spread good music. They have several other productions ready to be launched, but in the meantime, check out the full length preview below and let us know what you think! The track is set to be released on iTunes on June 26th.

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