Leaked Screenshot Shows Possible Confirmation of EDC Las Vegas Live Broadcast

Leave it to the Internet to look to far into something and find something that may or may not be there; in this case, a potential live stream for EDC Vegas from Insomniac and YouTube. The video, titled ‘EDC CH1’ is private on Insomniac’s official YouTube channel and has a watermark in the top left corner “EDC CH1.” Inside sources have said that Insomniac has been mulling the idea of a live stream for one of the world’s biggest and most prestigious events since before Ultra Music Festival, and the idea has fans whispering in both support and opposition. EDC Vegas has been sold out for weeks, and for thousands that means that the F.O.M.O is too real. With the potential of a live stream, headliners will be able to enjoy the festivities from the comfort of their homes like they do with other meccas of the music world like Tomorrowland and Ultra Music Festival. But for now we wait in limbo, eagerly anticipating the announcement from Pasquale Rotella.

H/T: EDM Maniac