
Workaholics Goes Raving for Season 4 Premiere


Workaholics took a pretty heavy launch into their season 4 premiere yesterday with the most current buzzworthy cultural topic, Raving.  The three best friends, turned quasi-reality sitcom stars started off by scouring the office internet for festival tickets, grabbed Montez, and then the baseline for the episode was set.

These modern day heroes of the real-life South Park didn’t win any points for originality, as they pulled in Molly references, some pretty impressive looking kandi, glowsticks, pacifiers, and  “pressing play on the decks,” but they did a fairly good job scraping the surface.  The show continues as ‘Ders DJs for a baby shower pool party, gets TURNT, the drugs come out, and… the premiere spends the rest of the time dealing with an unexpected childbirth.  There are only so many ways to make a 22 minute show arc before it ends, and unfortunately the rest of the show never circled back to what a lot of us tuned in to see.

“We are one massive tribal village, that transcends manmade law!!!”  Is it going to be the next great “ravers prayer?”  Doubtful, but the show was just ridiculous enough to get into the sweet spot of poking fun without offending.  To be fair, it was more about Colleen’s childbirth than it was about raving, as should have been expected from the title Orgazmo Birth but it was a bit disappointing to see the pictures built up like it would be about electronica.

Some may say that this doesn’t do much to help EDM’s sinking reputation as a drug scene.  Those people would probably be right.  That said, its hard to believe that anyone regularly watching this television show would be shocked to see these stereotypes.  More than likely (myself included), we’ve seen worse.  So if you haven’t, give it a chance, and let the opportunity to poke fun at ourselves set in.

Electronic music is definitely a comfortable, barely exploited area for the series, and hopefully we’ll get to see them take another shot, with fewer babies, and having them actually make it to a show.

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