
Loco Dice Breaks His Own Record with an 18-hour Marathon Set at Space Miami

Club Space, a popular venue in Miami known for pretty much never closing, housed Loco Dice on January 4th so he could break his record set a year prior. For 18 hours and 57 seconds, from 11pm until 8pm the next day, the Residential Advisor’s #8 pick for the top 100 DJs of 2013 dropped dance floor fire after dance floor fire . Space is the perfect place to house marathon sets, specifically because something magical happens when the roof opens up and you realize, that you’ve been engulfed in the music for so long that the sun is actually out again.

Travis Rogers, artist relations at Club Space & The Opium Group, was there to witness the event go down. “It was honestly one of the greatest nights of music in a long time,” Rogers said. “Not many DJs can keep a room slammed for 18 hours and not many clubs are open for 22 hours either”.

It takes an immense amount of talent to be able to play for that long and even to compose a set that will keep people intrigued for 18 hours, kudos to you Loco Dice. Watch the time lapse video made by Space and try and catch a marathon set near you, if only for the experience alone.

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