
Editorial: Expect TSA Patdowns at Your Next Music Festival


News of possible TSA expansion to the realm of music festivals made the blog rounds this past week. The VIPR teams of the TSA (Visual Intermodal Prevention and Response) are, to paraphrase, super TSA agents with heightened search and security sweep abilities and permissions that work in all kinds of venues and stations outside of airports. And they have just “vastly expanded” their jurisdiction to “music festivals.” You might ask “But why would I be worried? I’m not a terrorist. I just do a little bit of molly from time to time,” or  think “I go completely 100% sober and for the music. Nothing to worry about.” But is that really the case?

What they can/will do:

What the effects will be:

Honestly, just don’t lie to us. Why is the TSA expanding to music festivals? If the TSA VIPR teams are essentially serving as super police forces or event security with government backing, state as such and let the protests and public outcry fall and clash where they may. However, if the VIPR’s purpose is stated as counter-terrorism but its only real purpose at music festivals would be to crack down harder on drugs and to impose control on festival attendees, that’s an issue. Aside from EDM, there’s only one other acronym that should be at electronic dance music festivals: PLUR, not TSA.

(Source: New York Times6 U.S.C. § 1112)

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