Schedule of Oregon Eclipse Gathering Is Being Kept Secret Until Arrival

Oregon Eclipse

oregon eclipse

Oregon Eclipse 2017 has been in the works for quite a while now and will be making its debut this weekend. The seven day festival celebrates the total solar eclipse occurring on August 21st and will be hosted by 13 of the world’s independent arts & music festivals. With seven stages, potential lineup of 300+ artists, collections of art, and workshops planned the “souled out” festival has shown promise to be one of this year’s most exciting events.

HOWEVER the festival’s production team recently made an controversial announcement that has many ticket holders outraged. Oregon Eclipse 2017 has decided to keep the festivals schedule a secret until attendees have arrived and received physical copies of the program.

Social media blew up with people both supporting and displaying anger toward the announcement. With many of festivals attendees traveling great distances there was sure to be some strong reactions.

On The Festive Owl’s Facebook page attendees expressed their dismay by stating everyone being excited and the secret lineup was a signal that the festival “seemed to have dropped the ball.” Others showed concern of their festival experience being hurt from not being able to make schedules in advance. There was a decent amount of positivity shown as well. Other people embraced the announcement as a smart choice and praised the festival for challenging conventional approaches.

A major cause of the anger displayed comes from the festival initially stating they would release the lineup ahead of time and then retracting their idea and making it secret until arrival. According to sources the lineup has been constantly changing, but with a credible company such as Symbiosis helping produce the international project fans should not be worried about the quality of the event.

Oregon Eclipse will be taking place in the pristine remote area of Big Summit Prairie located nestled in Ochoco National Forest. Even though attendees may be bummed about having no preplanned music schedule they can be sure to expect a wide array of of art, yoga workshops, culture, and scenic beauty yearning to be explored.

Start early and get into the cosmic gathering of art and music with EDMTunes’s Oregon Eclipse preview playlist.

Source: The Festive Owl